Prof. Soumaya Cherkaoui, Ing. Ph.D

Soumaya Cherkaoui is a Full Professor at Department of Computer and Software Engineering at Polytechnique Montréal, Canada.  From 1999 to 2021, she was a professor at the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada. Before joining academia as a professor in 1999, she worked for industry as a project leader on projects targeted at the Aerospace Industry. Cherkaoui has held invited positions at leading institutions including the University of California at Berkeley, Bell Laboratories, Monash University, and the University of Toronto, as well as an adjunct position at Lulea University, in Sweden.

Pr. Cherkaoui research interests lie at the convergence of communications and artificial intelligence, machine learning in next generation networks (5G and beyond/6G),  Sustainable machine learning, Quantum Machine Learning,  federated learning  and their applications (e.g., autonomous vehicles, smart grid, IoT, industrial IoT).

Pr. Cherkaoui’s  work resulted in technology transfers to companies and to patented technology. She has delivered numerous keynote addresses and invited talks around the globe and published over 200 research papers in reputed journals and conferences. Her work was awarded with recognitions and best paper awards including a best paper award at the IEEE Communications Society Flagship conference IEEE ICC in 2017 and at IEEE LCN in 2021. She is the recipient of the 2023 Mirela Notare Award  “For her outstanding technical contributions to the advancement of AI-enabled wireless networks”.

Pr. Cherkaoui has been a guest editor and a member of the editorial board of several IEEE, Wiley, and Elsevier Journals including IEEE JSAC, IEEE Network, IEEE Systems and Computer Networks.  She has also chaired prestigious conferences such as IEEE LCN 2019 and has served as a symposium co-chair for flagship conferences including IEEE ICC 2018, IEEE Globecom 2018, IEEE Globecom 2015, IEEE ICC 2014, and IEEE PIMRC 2011. She is the TPC Co-Chair of IEEE ICC 2025.

She was elected Chair of the IEEE Communications Society Technical Committee on IoT-Ad hoc and Sensor Networks in 2020-2021 and is the founder of the IEEE Communications Society Special Interest  Group on Machine Learning for IoT and Ad hoc and Sensor Networks. She was awarded the title of IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer.

Pr. Cherkaoui  a member of the ACM and IEEE and is a professional engineer in Canada.


  • H. Moudoud and S. Cherkaoui, “Multi-tasking federated learning meets Blockchain to foster Trust and Security in the Metaverse”, Ad Hoc Networks, 2023
  • D. H. Tashman, S. Cherkaoui and W. Hamouda, “Performance Optimization of Energy-Harvesting Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks Using Reinforcement Learning,” 2023 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC), Marrakesh, Morocco, 2023, pp. 1160-1165, doi: 10.1109/IWCMC58020.2023.10182973.
  • H. Moudoud and S. Cherkaoui, “Federated Learning Meets Blockchain to Secure the Metaverse,” 2023 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC), Marrakesh, Morocco, 2023, pp. 339-344, doi: 10.1109/IWCMC58020.2023.10182956.
  • A. Allouis, A. A. Hamza, I. Dayoub and S. Cherkaoui, “Maximum Sum Rate of MCM-NOMA in Future Vehicular Sensor Networks,” in IEEE Sensors Letters, doi: 10.1109/LSENS.2023.3288938.
  • Z. Mlika and S. Cherkaoui, J.F. Laprade, S. Corbeil Letourneau, “User trajectory prediction in mobile wireless networks using quantum reservoir computing”, IET Quantum Communication. Jan 2023, doi: 10.1049/qtc2.12061
  • A. Abouaomar, A. Taik, A. Filali and S. Cherkaoui, “Federated Deep Reinforcement Learning for Open RAN Slicing in 6G Networks,” in IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 61, no. 2, pp. 126-132, February 2023, doi: 10.1109/MCOM.007.2200555.
  • Z. Mlika and S. Cherkaoui, “Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient to Minimize the Age of Information in Cellular V2X Communications,” in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 23597-23612, Dec. 2022, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2022.3190799.
  • A. Filali, B. Nour, S. Cherkaoui and A. Kobbane, “Communication and Computation O-RAN Resource Slicing for URLLC Services Using Deep Reinforcement Learning,” in IEEE Communications Standards Magazine, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 66-73, March 2023, doi: 10.1109/MCOMSTD.0002.2100078.
  • W. Rafique, A. S. Hafid and S. Cherkaoui, “Complementing IoT Services Using Software-Defined Information Centric Networks: A Comprehensive Survey,” in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 23, pp. 23545-23569, 1 Dec.1, 2022, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2022.3206146.
  • A. Abouaomar, S. Cherkaoui, Z. Mlika and A. Kobbane, “Service Function Chaining in MEC: A Mean-Field Game and Reinforcement Learning Approach,” in IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 5357-5368, Dec. 2022, doi: 10.1109/JSYST.2022.3171232.
  • B. Nour and S. Cherkaoui, “How Far Can We Go in Compute-less Networking: Computation Correctness and Accuracy,” in IEEE Network, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 197-202, July/August 2022, doi: 10.1109/MNET.012.2100157.
  • A. Taïk, Z. Mlika and S. Cherkaoui, “Clustered Vehicular Federated Learning: Process and Optimization,” in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 25371-25383, Dec. 2022, doi: 10.1109/TITS.2022.3149860.
  • A. Taïk, Z. Mlika and S. Cherkaoui, “Data-Aware Device Scheduling for Federated Edge Learning,” in IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 408-421, March 2022, doi: 10.1109/TCCN.2021.3100574.
  • H. Moudoud, Z. Mlika, L. Khoukhi and S. Cherkaoui, “Detection and Prediction of FDI Attacks in IoT Systems via Hidden Markov Model,” in IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 2978-2990, 1 Sept.-Oct. 2022, doi: 10.1109/TNSE.2022.3161479.
  • A. Filali, Z. Mlika, S. Cherkaoui, A. Kobbane., “Dynamic SDN-based Radio Access Network Slicing with Deep Reinforcement Learning for URLLC and eMBB Services”, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2022.doi:10.1109/TNSE.2022.3157274.
  • O. A. Dambri and S. Cherkaoui, “Modeling Self-Assembly of Polymer-Based Wired Nano-Communication Channel,” in IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 107-118, June 2022, doi: 10.1109/TMBMC.2021.3118943.
  • H. Moudoud and S. Cherkaoui, “Toward Secure and Private Federated Learning for IoT using Blockchain,” GLOBECOM 2022 – 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2022, pp. 4316-4321, doi: 10.1109/GLOBECOM48099.2022.10000623.
  • A. Triwinarko, S. Cherkaoui., “Performance of Radio Access Technologies for Next Generation V2VRU Networks”, IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2022), Seoul, Korea, Republic of (1-6).
  • A. Triwinarko, S. Cherkaoui and I. Dayoub, “Performance of PHY/MAC Cross-Layer Design for Next-Generation V2X Applications,” 2022 IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things and Intelligence Systems (IoTaIS), Indonesia, 2022, pp. 98-104, doi: 10.1109/IoTaIS56727.2022.9975999.
  • A. Triwinarko, Z. Mlika, S. Cherkaoui and I. Dayoub, “Reinforcement Learning to Improve Vehicle-to-Vulnerable Road User Communications in C-V2X”, UNet 2022, Montreal, pp. 138-150 B.
  • Nour, S. Cherkaoui., “Unsupervised Data Splitting Scheme for Federated Edge Learning in IoT Networks”, IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2022), Seoul, Korea, Republic of (1-6)
  • A. Taik, B. Nour and S. Cherkaoui, “Empowering Prosumer Communities in Smart Grid with Wireless Communications and Federated Edge Learning,” in IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 26-33, December 2021, doi: 10.1109/MWC.017.2100187.
  • A. Taik, Z. Mlika, S. Cherkaoui., “Data-Aware Device Scheduling for Federated Edge Learning”, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, 2021, doi:10.1109/TCCN.2021.3100574.
  • A. Alalewi, I. Dayoub and S. Cherkaoui, “On 5G-V2X Use Cases and Enabling Technologies: A Comprehensive Survey,” in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 107710-107737, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3100472.
  • O. Chughtai, M. H. Rehmani, L. Musavian, S. -M. Senouci, S. Cherkaoui and S. Mao, “IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Flying Ad Hoc Networks: Challenges, Potentials, Future Applications, and Way Forward,” in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 74189-74193, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3077816.
  • A. Abouaomar, S. Cherkaoui, Z. Mlika and A. Kobbane, “Resource Provisioning in Edge Computing for Latency Sensitive Applications“, in IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 
  • Z. Mlika and S. Cherkaoui, “Massive iot access with noma in 5g networksand beyond using online competitiveness and learning” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3068061
  • Z. Mlika and S. Cherkaoui, “Network Slicing with MEC and Deep Reinforcement Learning for the Internet of Vehicles“, in IEEE Network, doi: 10.1109/MNET.011.2000591.
  • A. Filali, Z. Mlika, S. Cherkaoui and A. Kobbane, “Preemptive SDN Load Balancing with Machine Learning for Delay Sensitive Applications“, in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2020.3038918.
  • A. Taïk, S. Cherkaoui, “Federated Edge Learning : Design Issues and Challenges“,accepted for publication in  IEEE Network, Aug. 2020.
  • H. Moudoud,  L. Khoukhi, S. Cherkaoui, “ Prediction and Detection of FDIA and DDoS Attacks in 5G Enabled IoT“, accepted for publication in  IEEE Network, Aug. 2020.
  • A. Filali, A. Abouaomar, S. Cherkaoui, A. Kobbane, M. Guizani, “Multi-Access Edge Computing: A Survey,” in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 197017-197046, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3034136.
  • A. Taïk, S. Cherkaoui , “Electrical Load Forecasting Using Edge Computing and Federated Learning“,  procceding of IEEE ICC 2020, Dublin, June 2020
  • O. A. Dambri, S. Cherkaoui, “Toward a Wired Ad Hoc Nanonetwork“, procceding of IEEE ICC 2020, Dublin, June 2020
  • A. Arfaoui, S. Cherkaoui , A. Kribeche, S.M. Senouci, M. Hamdi, “Context-Aware Adaptive Remote Access For IoT Applications“, IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2019).doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2019.2953144
  • M. A. Messous, S.M. Senouci, H. Sedjelmaci, S. Cherkaoui, “A Game Theory Based Efficient Computation Offloading in an UAV Network“, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology 68(5): 4964-4974 (2019).
  • O. A. Dambri, S. Cherkaoui , “Performance Enhancement of Diffusion-based Molecular Communication“, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 48-58, Jan. 2020.
  • H. Moudoud, S. Cherkaoui, L. Khoukhi, “Using Blockchain for IoT: Review, Challenges, and Reconciling solution for Supply Chain“. to appear in Proc. IEEE PIMRC 2019, Istanbul, Turkey, Septembre 8-11 September 2019.
  • A. Abouaomar, S. Cherkaoui, A. Kobbane, O. A. Dambri, “A Resources Representation For Resource Allocation In Fog Computing Networks“, to appear in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2019,Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, 9-13 December 2019.
  • A. Filali, S. Cherkaoui, A. Kobbane,”Prediction-based switch migration scheduling for SDN load balancing, in Proc“. IEEE ICC 2019, Beijing, China, May 20-24 May 2019.
  • A. Arfaoui, S. Cherkaoui, S-M. Senouci, M. Hamdi, “Context-Aware Adaptive Authentication And Authorization in Internet of  Things “, in Proc. IEEE ICC 2019, Beijing, China, May 20-24 2019.
  • O. A. Dambri, S. Cherkaoui and B. Chakraborty, “Design and Evaluation of Self-Assembled Actin-Based Nano-Communication,” 2019 15th International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Tangier, Morocco, 2019, pp. 208-213.
  • A. O. Dambri, S. Cherkaoui, “Design Optimization of a MIMO Receiver for Diffusion-based Molecular Communication“, to appear in Proc. IEEE WCNC 2019, April 14-18 2019.
  • A. Abouaomar, A. Kobbane, S. Cherkaoui, “Matching-Game for User-Fog Assignment“, Proc. Of IEEE Globecom 2018, December 2018.
  • A. O. Dambri, S. Cherkaoui, “Enhancing Signal Strength and ISI-Avoidance of Diffusion-based Molecular Communication“, Proceeding of IEEE IWCMC 2018, Cyprus, 25-29 June 2018.
  • A. Filali, A, Kobbane, M. Elmachkour, S. Cherkaoui, “SDN Controller Assignment and Load Balancing With Minimum Quota of Processing Capacity“, Proceeding of IEEE ICC 2018, Kansas City, 20-24 May 2018.
  • A. Bourass, S. Cherkaoui, L. Khoukhi, “Secure Optimal Itinerary Planning for Electric Vehicles in the Smart Grid“, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. PP, no. 99, pp. 1-1. doi: 10.1109/TII.2017.2741347.
  • Y. Baseri, A. Hafid, S. Cherkaoui, “Privacy preserving fine-grained location-based access control for mobile cloud“, Computers & Security, Volume 73, 2018, Pages 249-265,
  • M. Azizian, S. Cherkaoui, A. Hafid, “Vehicle Software Updates Distribution with SDN and Cloud Computing “, in IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 55, no. 8, pp. 74-79, 2017.
  • J.Sahu, S. Cherkaoui, A. Hafid, J.Sahu, P.K. Sahoo, “Dynamic Hierarchical Aggregation for Vehicular Sensing“, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems vol. 18, no. 9, pp. 2539-2556, 2017.
  • Y. Baseri, A. Hafid, S. Cherkaoui, “Controlling Cloud Data Access Privilege: Cryptanalysis and Security Enhancement“, proceedings of IEEE PIMRC 2017, Montréal, 08-13 October 2017.
  • A. Bourass, S. Cherkaoui, L. Khoukhi, “Secure Communication Scheme for Electric Vehicles in the Smart Grid“, proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2017, Singapore, 4-8 December 2017.
  • A. Bourass, S. Cherkaoui, L. Khoukhi, “Intelligent Route Guidance for Electric Vehicles in the Smart Grid”, proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2017, Singapore, 4-8 December 2017.
  • M. Amine, A. Walid, A. Kobbane,S. Cherkaoui , “A Many-to-Many Matching Game in Ultra-dense LTE HetNets“, Proceedings of IWCMC, Valencia, Spain; June 26- 30, 2017
  • E.D. Ngangue Ndih, S. Cherkaoui, MAP: Contention-Free MAC protocol for VANETs with PLNC, Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2017, Paris, May 21-25, 2017. (Best paper award, over 1172 papers submitted).
  • A. Bourass, S. Cherkaoui, L. Khoukhi, Smart Charge Scheduling for EVs based on Two-Way Communication, Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2017, Paris, May 21-25, 2017
  • E.D. Ngangue Ndih, S. Cherkaoui , On Enhancing Technology Coexistence in the IoT Era: ZigBee and 802.11 Case, IEEE Access 4: 1835-1844 (2016).
  • M. Azizian, S.Cherkaoui, A. Hafid, “An Optimized Flow Allocation in Vehicular Cloud”, in IEEE Access, vol. 4, no. pp. 6766-6779, 2016.
  • M. Azizian, S.Cherkaoui, A. Hafid, “Link Activation with Parallel Interference Cancellation in Multi-hop VANET”, Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Vehicular Information Services for the Internet of Things (VISIT 2016) 2016, Montreal, Canada, September 18-21 2016.
  • O. Chakroun, S. Cherkaoui, “Reducing Energy Consumption for Reconfiguration in Cloud Data Centers“, Invited Paper, Proceedings of IEEE VTC 2016, Montreal, Canada, September 18-21 2016.
  • M. Azizian, S.Cherkaoui, A. Hafid, “DCEV: A Distributed Cluster Formation for VANET Based on End-to-End Relative Mobility“, Proceedings of IWCMC 2016, Phaphos, Cypus, September 5-9 2016.
  • M. Azizian, S.Cherkaoui, A. Hafid, “A Distributed Cluster Based Transmission Scheduling in VANET“, Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Qatar, May 23-27 2016.
  • O. Chakroun, S. Cherkaoui, “Studying the Impact of DSRC Penetration Rate on lane changing advisory application“, Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Qatar, May 23-27 2016.
  • M. Azizian, S.Cherkaoui, A. Hafid, “A Distributed D-hop Cluster Formation for VANET“, Proceedings of IEEE WCNC 2016, Doha, Qatar, April 3-6 2016.
  • N. Chaabouni, A. Hafid, J. Rezgui, S.Cherkaoui, “Setting up an extended perception in a vehicular network environment: A proof of concept“, Proceedings of IEEE WCNC 2016, Doha, Qatar, April 3-6 2016.
  • M.A. Abid, S. Cherkaoui, “Three Dimensional Compressed Sensing for Wireless Networks-Based Multiple Node Localization in Multi-Floor Buildings“, in Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, doi:10.1002/wcm.2653, 2016.
  • E.D. Ngangue Ndih, S. Cherkaoui, “Adaptive 802.15.4 Backoff Procedure to Survive Coexistence with 802.11 in Extreme Conditions“, Proceedings of IEEE CCNC 2016, Las Vegas, USA, 9-12 January 2016
  • Y. Baseri, A. Hafid, S. Cherkaoui, “K-anonymous Location-based Fine-grained Access Control for Mobile Cloud“, Proceedings of IEEE CCNC 2016, Las Vegas, USA, 9-12 January 2016
  • P.K. Sahoo, A. Hafid, J. Sahu, S. Cherkaoui, “E-NC: PSO based Enforced Network Coding in Vehicular Networks“, Proceedings of “IEEE CCNC 2016, Las Vegas, USA, 9-12 January 2016
  • E.D. Ngangue Ndih, S. Cherkaoui,I. Dayoub, “Analytic Modeling of the Coexistence of IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.11 in Saturation Conditions, in Communications Letters, IEEE , vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-1 doi: 10.1109/LCOMM.2015.2449298, 2015
  • D. Said, S. Cherkaoui, L. Khoukhi, “Multi-priority queuing for electric vehicles charging at public supply stations with price variation“, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 15(6): 1049-1065 (2015)
  • J. Sahoo, S. Cherkaoui, A. Hafid, ” Hierarchical Aggregation for Delay-Sensitive Vehicular Sensing“, Proceedings of IWCMC 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia, August 24th-27th 2015.
  • P.K. Sahoo, A. Hafid, S. Cherkaoui, “M-PNC: Multi-Hop Physical Layer Network Coding for Shared Paths in Vehicular Networks“, Proceedings of IWCMC 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia, August 24th-27th 2015.
  • D. Said, S. Cherkaoui, L. Khoukhi, Guidance Model for EV Charging Service, Proceedings of ICC 2015, London, UK, June 9th- 12th, 2015
  • M. Azizian, E.D. Ngangue Ndih, S.Cherkaoui, “”Improved Multichannel Operation for Safety Messages Dissemination in Vehicular Networks“, Proceedings of the 4th ACM international symposium on Development and analysis of intelligent vehicular networks and applications DIVANet14, Montreal, September 21th-26th 2014.
  • J. Sahu, S.Cherkaoui, A. Hafid, Optimal Selection of Aggregation Locations for Participatory Sensing by Mobile Cyber-Physical Systems, Journal of Computer Communications (COMCOM) /j.comcom.2014.05.007.May 2014.
  • O. Chakroun, S. Cherkaoui, Overhead-Free Congestion Control and Data Dissemination Scheme for 802.11p VANETs, Vehicular Communications (VEHCOM), DOI: 10.1016/j.vehcom.2014.05.003.
  • J. Sahu, S.Cherkaoui, A. Hafid, “Inter Street Interference Cancelation in Urban Vehicular Networks Using Network Coding“, Proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2014, Austin, 8-12 Dec. 2014
  • D. Said, S. Cherkaoui, L. Khoukhi, “Scheduling Protocol with Load Management for EV Charging“, Proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2014, Austin, 8-12 Dec. 2014
  • J. Sahu, S.Cherkaoui, A. Hafid, “A Novel Vehicular Sensing Framework for Smart Cities“, IEEE 39th Conference onLocal Computer Networks (LCN), Edmonton, September 8-11, 2014
  • P.K. Sahoo, A. Hafid, S. Cherkaoui, DMAP: Density Map Service in VANETs City Environments, Proceedings of Springer Ad Hoc Now, Benidorm, June 22nd-27th 2014.
  • P.K. Sahoo, A. Hafid, S. Cherkaoui, Congestion Control in Vehicular Networks Using Network Coding, Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2014, Sydney, Jun 10th- 14th 2014.
  • O. Chakroun, S. Cherkaoui, RMDS: Relevance-based Messages Dissemination Scheme for 802.11p VANET, Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2014, Sydney, Jun 10th- 14th 2014.
  • J. Sahoo, S. Cherkaoui, A. Hafid, Optimal Selection of Aggregation Locations for Urban Sensing, Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2014, Sydney, Jun 10th- 14th 2014.
  • E.D. Ngangue Ndih, S. Cherkaoui, Modulation Network Coding, IET Communications, Vol. 7, No 16, November 2013, p. 1715 €“ 1728
  • J. Rezgui, S. Cherkaoui, About Deterministic and non-Deterministic Vehicular Communications over DSRC/802.11p. Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput.. doi: 10.1002/wcm.2270
  • M. Berbineau, M. Jonsson, J.-M. Bonnin, S. Cherkaoui, M. Aguado, C. Rico-Garcia, H. Ghannoum, R. Mehmood, A. Vinel, Communication Technologies for Vehicles, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7865, 250p, Springer, 2013
  • O. Chakroun, S. Cherkaoui, Enhancing Safety Messages Dissemination Over 802.11p/DSRC, Proceedings of 38th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2013), Sydney 21-24 Oct. 2013.
  • D. Said, S. Cherkaoui, L. Khoukhi, Queuing model for EVs Charging at public supply stations, Proceedings of IWCMC 2013, Cagliari, July 1st- 5th, 2013.
  • M.A. Abid, S. Cherkaoui, Pedestrian Collision Avoidance in Vehicular Networks, Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2013, Budapest, Jun 9th-Jun 13th 2013.
  • D. Said, S. Cherkaoui, L. Khoukhi, Advanced Scheduling Protocol for Electric Vehicle Home Charging with Time-of-Use Pricing, Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2013, Budapest, Jun 9th-Jun 13th 2013.
  • J. Rezgui, S. Cherkaoui, Analytical Transmit Power Adjustment in Cooperative Vehicle Safety Systems“, Proceedings of Globecom 2012, Anaheim, Dec 3rd-7th 2012.
  • E.D. Ngangue Ndih, S. Cherkaoui, Reliable Broadcasting in VANETs using Physical-Layer Network Coding, Proceedings of ICCIT 2012, Tunisia, June 26th-28th 2012.
  • J. Rezgui, S. Cherkaoui, About Deterministic and non-Deterministic Vehicular Communications over DSRC/802.11p, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Wiley, doi: 10.1002/wcm.2270, 2012.
  • E.D. Ngangue Ndih, S. Cherkaoui, Mac for Physical-Layer Network Coding in VANETs, IJBDN, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2012.
  • J. Rezgui, S. Cherkaoui, D. Said, A Two-Way Communication Scheme for Vehicles Charging Control in the Smart Grid, Proceedings of IWCMC 2012, Cyprus, Aug 27th-30th 2012.
  • O. Chakroun, S. Cherkaoui, J. Rezgui, MUDDS: Multi-Metric Unicast Data Dissemination Scheme for 802.11p VANETs, Proceedings of IWCMC 2012, Cyprus, Aug 27th-30th 2012.
  • E.D. Ngangue Ndih, S. Cherkaoui, Toward Neighborhood Prediction Using Physical-Layer Network Coding, Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2012, Ottawa, Jun 10th-Jun 15th 2012.
  • M.A. Abid, S. Cherkaoui, 3D Compressive Sensing for Nodes Localization in WNs Based On RSS, Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2011, Ottawa, Jun 10th-Jun 15th 2012.
  • T., Taleb, E.D. Ngangue Ndih, S. Cherkaoui, On Supporting Mobile Peer to Mobile Peer Communications, Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2011, Ottawa, Jun 10th-Jun 15th 2012.
  • J. Rezgui, S. Cherkaoui, On Improving Delay Performance of IEEE 802.11p Vehicular Safety Communication, Int. J. Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems, Inderscience, Accepted, September 2011.
  • D. Habhouba, S. Cherkaoui, A. Desrochers, Decision making assistance in engineering change management, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics–Part C: Applications and Reviews, Vol.41, No.3 , May 2011
  • E.D. Ngangue Ndih, S. Cherkaoui, “Toward a Network Coding Constellation for Two-Way Relay Node Channels, Proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2011, Houston, Dec 5th €“Dec 9th , 2011
  • A7.J. Rezgui, S. Cherkaoui, O. Chakroun, Interoperability Between Deterministic and non-Deterministic Vehicular Communications Over DSRC/802.11p, Proceedings of IEEE Globecom 2011, Houston, Dec 5th €“Dec 9th , 2011
  • M.A. Abid, S. Cherkaoui, “Wireless Technology Agnostic Real-Time Localization in Urban Areas“, Proceedings of 36nd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2011), Bonn 4-7 Oct. 2011.
  • J. Rezgui, S. Cherkaoui, “Detecting Faulty and Malicious Vehicles Using Rule-based Communications Data Mining“, Proceedings of 36nd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2011), Bonn 4-7 Oct. 2011
  • J. Rezgui, S. Cherkaoui, O. Chakroun, ” Deterministic Access for DSRC/80211.p Vehicular Safety Communication“, The 7th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference- (IWCMC 2011), Istanbul, July 5-8, 2011.
  • M. Sipouo Ngandjon, S. Cherkaoui, “On Using Compressive Sensing for Vehicular Traffic Detection“, The 7th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference-(IWCMC 2011), Istanbul, July 5-8, 2011
  • E.D. Ngang Ndih, S. Cherkaoui,” Statistical Modeling of the Physical-Layer Network Coding in Time-Varying Two-Way Relay Channels“, IEEE ICC, Kyoto, 5-9 June 2011.
  • S. Cherkaoui, T., Taleb, E.D. Ngang Ndih, Improved Mobility Management of Highly Mobile Users and Vehicular Networks in Heterogeneous Environments, IEEE VTC Spring, Budapest, 15-18 May, 2011.
  • E.Coronado, S. Cherkaoui, A secure service architecture to support wireless vehicular networks, “International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (IJAACS), Inderscience, Vol.3, No.2, pp 136-158, 2010
  • L. Khoukhi, S. Cherkaoui, Intelligent QoS Management for Multimedia Services Support in Wireless Mobile Ad hoc Networks, Journal of Computer Networks (COMNET), Vol.54 No. 10, pp 1692€“1706, Elsevier, July 2010.
  • E. Coronado, S. Cherkaoui, Performance analysis of secure on-demand services for wireless vehicular networks, Journal of Security and Communication Networks, Vol.3 No. 2-3, pp 114€“129, Wiley, March-June 2010
  • B.S. Gukhool, S. Cherkaoui, “Handling handovers in vehicular communications using an IEEE 802.11p model in NS-2“, International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems (IJUWBCS), Inderscience, Vol.1 No3, pp 136-158, 2010.
  • M.A. Abid, S. Cherkaoui, Received Signal Compensation-Based Position Estimation of Outdoor RFID nodes, Proccedings of Globecom 2010, Miami, Dec 6th -10th 2010.
  • M. Erradi, S. Cherkaoui, “Expérimentation d’un Algorithme de Gestion de QoS lors de la Découverte de Service “, The International Conférence on the New Distributed Systems Technologies (NOTERE), Tozeur, May 31st- June 2nd 2010.




Amine Abouaomar, Postdoctoral Fellow

​Abderrahime Filali, Postdoctoral Fellow

Hajar Moudoud, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Fellow

Zoubeir Mlika, Postdoctroal Fellow

Boubakr Nour, Postdoctoral Fellow

​Meysam Azizian, Ph. D. Postdoctoral Fellow

Afaf Taïk, Ph.D. 

Amine Abouaomar, Ph.D.

​Abderrahime Filali, Ph.D.

Hajar Moudoud, Ph.D. 

​Ahmad Alalewi, Ph.D, Candidate, UPHF

​Thomas Frantzen, M.ScA. Candidat

Abderrahmane O.Dambri, Ph.D. 

Zohair Briqech, Postdoctoral Fellow

Omar Chakroun, Postdoctoral Fellow​

Eugène D. Ngangue Ndih, Postdoctoral Fellow

Amir Minayi Jalil, PostDoctoral Fellow

Jihen Rezgui,  PostDoctoral Fellow

Jagruti Sahu, PostDoctoral Fellow

Pratap Kumar Sahoo, Postdoctroal Fellow co-supervided with A. Hafid

Amel Arfaoui, Ph.D.,  ISAT

Meysam Azizian, Ph.D.

Yaser Baseri, Ph.D. co-supervided with A. Hafid

Omar Chakroun, Ph.D.

Mohamed Amine Abid, Ph.D. 

Eugène Ngangue Ndih, Ph.D. 

Dhaou Said, Ph.D.

Etienne S. Coronado Mondragon, Ph.D.

Mylène Kwong, Ph.D.

Dounia Habhouba, Ph.D.

Lyes Khoukhi, Ph.D.

Zohair Chentouf, Ph.D, , co-supervised with A. Khoumsi

Pauline Piacentini, M.Sc.A

Achraf Bourass, M.Sc.A 

Jean Marchal, MSc.A.

Simon Déziel-Noury, M.Sc.A. 

Cédric Philibert, M.Sc.A. 

Maurice Ngandjon Sipouo, M.Sc. A.
Joel Tran,  M. Sc.A.

Alexander Jaramillo, M.Sc.A candidate, co-supervised with A. Khoumsi

Mohamed Reda Benzitouni, M.Sc.A

Balkrishna Sharma Gukhool, M.Sc. A.

Abdellatif Bensari, M.Sc. A.

Abdelkader Harouna, M.Sc. A.

Ahmed S. Chekkouri , M.Sc. A.

Patrice Dalle, M.Sc. A.

Abdeltif El Yakine, M.Sc. A.

Samuel Gustave, M.Sc. A.

Dounia Habhouba, M.Sc. A.

Omar Lahlou, M.Sc. A.

Thomas Frantzen, B.ScA. 

Meriem Bouhya, B.ScA. 

Hajar Moudoud, B.Sc.A

Afaf Taïk, B.Sc.A

Mohammed Bokhari, MITACS Trainee

Biswadeep Chakraborty, MITACS Trainee

Benoit Beauchemin, NSERC Trainee

Jean Bédard, NSERC Trainee

Latifa Elkhalfaoui, Trainee (EMI, Rabat)

Simon Ethier, NSERC Trainee

François Michel, Trainee (IUT Rennes)


Keynotes, Invited talks, Invited Panels


  • Keynote Speaker,  “Quantum Leap: Exploring the potential of Quantum Machine learning for Communication Networks”, ACM MSWIM 2023,
  • Invited Panellist, “Women in Tech: Innovation and Entrepreneurship”, The International Telecommunications Conference, Alexandria, Egypt, 2023
  • Keynote Speaker, “6G AI-Enabled slicing in Open RAN”. Spring 2023 Virtual Distinguished Lectures at Texas A&M University, Kingsville, United States, 2023.
  • Invited Speaker, “Moving Forward in RAN: Open RAN in B5G Networks”. The International Telecommunications Conference, Alexandria, Egypt, 2023
  • Invited Talk, “Open Radio Access Networks in the 6G Era: Challenges and Opportunities in the Horizon”, Distinguished Lecture at IEEE ComSoc Chapter, Cairo, Egypt, 2023
  • Invited Panelist, “Securing the Future: Cyber Security in the 6G Era”, 6G Summit 2023, Bahrein, 2023.
  • Invited Speaker, “6G AI-Enabled slicing in Open RAN”. Spring 2023 Virtual Distinguished Lectures at Texas A&M University, Kingsville, United States, 2023.
  • Invited Speaker, “Federated Learning: Concepts and Opportunities”. CAE Engineering Week Conference, Montreal, 2023
  • Invited Panelist, “6G Network Security: Challenges and Opportunities”. 6G Summit 2022, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2022.
  • Invited Speaker, “federated learning approach for reliable forecasting in prosumer communities”, DTE Network+ Workshop, Cardiff, 2022.
  • Invited Speaker, “Sustainable AI”, Confiance AI Conference, Paris, 2022.
  • Invited Speaker, “Recent Advances in Mobile Edge Learning”. Spring 2021 Virtual Distinguished Lectures at Texas A&M University, Kingsville, United States, 2021.
  • Keynote Speaker, “Edge Intelligence: Challenges and Opportunities”. IoT Connect, CCECE 2021.
  • Keynote Speaker, “New frontiers for Vehicular Communications in 6G and Beyond”. International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing and their Applications (ICCSPA 2020), Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, Virtual.
  • Keynote Speaker, “Enabling Machine Learning at the Edge”, ISNCC 2020, Montreal, 2020
  • Keynote Speaker, “New frontiers for Vehicular Communications in 6G and Beyond”, ICCSPA, Sharjah, 2020
  • Keynote Speaker, “Securing the 5G Internet of Vehicles”, FPS 2019, Toulouse, France, 2019.
  • Keynote Speaker, “5G Vehicular Communications: Key enablers and Opportunities”, IEEE 5G-IoT Summit, Tangier, 2019
  • Invited Panelist, “Bridging the Gap Between Research and Engineering”, N2Women, IEEE LCN, Osnabruck, Germany, 2019
  • Keynote Speaker, “The Future of Mobility”, WIN Events, 2018
  • Keynote Speaker, “5G Vehicular Communications: Key enablers and Opportunities”, IEEE 5G-IoT Summit, Marrakesh, 2018
  • Keynote Speaker, “A Connected World: Challenges and Opportunities in Overcoming the IoT Datastorm”, Science Atlantic Conference, Moncton, Canada, 2018
  • Invited Panelist, KHEOPS Summit, Montreal, 2018
  • Keynote Speaker, Workshop on Autonomous Vehicles and Intelligent Transportation, Valenciennes, November 2017
  • Keynote Speaker, « Empowering Research in Networking – The Real Deal and Challenges Ahead», N2Women, IEEE LCN, November 2016, Dubai.
  • Keynote Speaker, « Vehicular Networking for IoT with Real time Analytics», VISIT 2016 at IEEE VTC Fall, September 2016, Montreal, Canada.
  • Tutorial, IEEE IWCMC « Vehicular Communications: Challenges and Opportunities», Larnaka, Cyprus, September 2016.
  • Invited Panelist, “Technologies and Future of the Automobile”, Best of Belron, Montréal, January 2016.



  • Senior EditorIEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (IEEE JSAC), 2020-Present
  • Associate EditorComputer Networks, Elsevier, 2021- Present
  • Associate Editor, IET Quantum Communication, 2021-Present
  • Associate EditorIEEE Network, Journal, 2020-Present
  • Associate EditorIEEE Systems, Journal, 2020-Present
  • Area EditorIEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2020-Present
  • Associate Editor, Vehicular Communications (VEHCOM), Elsevier, 2013- 2023
  • Associate Editor, Wiley International Journal of Communication Systems, 2010-2015

Guest Editorials


      • Guest co-Editor, IEEE JSAC Special Issue on Digital Twins for Mobile Networks, 2023.
      • Guest co-Editor, IEEE Access Special Issue on Network Resource Management in Flying Ad Hoc Networks: Challenges, Potentials, Future Applications, and Way forward, 2019.
      • Guest Co-Editor, IEEE Access Special Issue on Energy Harvesting and Scavenging: Technologies, Algorithms, and Communication Protocols, 2018.
      • Guest Co-Editor, Vehicular Communications Special Issue on Heterogeneous Vehicular Networking, 2017
      • Guest Co-Editor, IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: The Plethora of Research in Internet of Things (IoT), 2016

IEEE Conference Organization and Technical Program Committee Chairing



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